Our Team


Lauren Haack, PhD

Dr. Haack, director of the STRIVE lab and associate professor in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (DPBS), is a licensed clinical psychologist with interests focused on 1) cultural influences to mental health conceptualization, assessment, and treatment, 2) accessible and culturally attuned evidence-based services for traditionally underserved youth and families worldwide, and 3) provider experience, training, and consultation. Dr. Haack is involved in several current clinical research efforts, including projects funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Institute of Health Fogarty International Center (NIH-FIC) focused on improving family access to and engagement in psychosocial school-based treatment for ADHD. When not conducting clinical research, Dr. Haack provides leadership on various UCSF DPBS teams, including serving as associate director for the Clinical Psychology Training Program, as well as serving as psychologist and school consultation lead for the California Child and Adolescent Mental Health Access Portal (Cal-MAP) program. She is a member of the UCSF DPBS Psychology Advisory Committee and co-leads the research subcommittee on the Diversity Committee.

Read more about Dr. Haack and access her publications here. 

Interested in joining the STRIVE lab and collaborating with director Dr. Haack?

To-date, Dr. Haack has mentored over 50 individuals at UCSF, the vast majority of whom identify as women and many of whom identify as under-represented minority (URM). Regarding research mentorship, she thus far has mentored or co-mentored over 15 UCSF junior authors on manuscripts and national or international scientific conference presentations; she also has mentored external trainees, including serving as a thesis advisor for trainees at the University of Sinaloa in Mexico. Dr. Haack currently serves as mentor for trainees pursuing research projects and fellowships (including K-award, R03 grant, and internal UCSF Resource Allocation Program grant applicants), as well as master's degrees from UCSF’s Clinical and Epidemiological Research Master's program and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. 

There are various ways to becoming involved in the STRIVE lab team as a student, fellow, mentee, and/or collaborator:

  • Dr. Haack serves as a research mentor in the UCSF Clinical Psychology Training Program (CPTP) and is reviewing predoctoral intern applications for the upcoming year. 
  • Trainees interested in applying for an NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) to serve as a Postdoctoral Fellow or an NIH Diversity Supplement to serve as Clinical Research Coordinator or Postdoctoral Fellow on the current STRIVElab CLS-A-FUERTE R01 (see our CURRENT STUDIES page for more details on the project) are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Haack directly ([email protected]). 
    • Per NIH guidelines, under-represented minorities (URM) in biomedical research (thus eligible for a Diversity Supplement) include:
      • The following racial and ethnic groups: African Americans, Hispanic Americas, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Hawaiian Natives, and natives of the US Pacific Islands;
      • Individuals with disabilities, who are defined as those with a physical or mental impairment
      • Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. (Individuals who come from a family with an annual income below established low-income thresholds.) 
  • Dr. Haack also can be contacted directly by anyone interested in exploring other mentorship or collaboration options ([email protected]).

STRIVE lab photo gallery

STRIVE Lab Photo Gallery 

STRIVElab out at the schools in Sinaloa
STRIVElab out at the schools in Sinaloa
Annual STRIVElab presentation for the SEP in Sinaloa
Annual STRIVElab presentation for the Sinaloa Secretary of Public Education (SEP)









XLIV Congreso Nacional De Enseñanza E Investigación En Psicología in Nayurit, Tepic
Symposium for the Congreso Mexicano de Psicología, Districto Federal, Mexico City, Mexico










Playing Hard at lunch after Working Hard for the CLS-FUERTE program



Sharing findings from the CLS-FUERTE program with our stakeholders











STRIVE lab meeting before holiday break 2021